How to become a programmer....?


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🧠🧠🧠How to become a programmer....?💻🖥

😣😣😣😣This question comes in the mind...when you are beginner at the programming or you are going to learn programming....😶

some questions are harassing 🤯🤯🤯 1) How others can do programming very easily? 😏 2) Will I able to learn like pro?😎 3) why are the logics of programming very hard? 😥

If you are beginner....or new at the programming field....just chill...😉😉

& follow some Stages which are followed by me and that are very easy....for learning programming!


💡Stage 1: -

📘step - 1) Stay relaxed and don't think that will you able to do programming or not?! 📘step - 2) See the first program by choosing the programming language...whichever you want to learn! 📘step - 3) here you will get "hello" word program but you have to perfrom how to print your name? just open any code editor online or offline and print your name in that programming language!

Done!!! welcome to coding world!

💡Stage 2:-

If you only know that " how to print hello word ? " then you have to learn about algorithms and flowcharts...!

for algorithms and flowcharts, you can visit here my YouTube playlist....

📘step - 4) Try to understand that how can we create the algorithms for the given problem? 📘step - 5) Make sure if you can make algorithms then you can learn programming languages easily! 📘step - 6) If you made algorithms for the basic problems then you can eaily perform the implementation of the algorithms while you are programming...!

go to Stage 3

💡Stage 3:-

📘step - 7) learn the syntax of the programming languages and practice it learn keywords, identifiers, constants and operators of the programming language

📘step - 8) in the step 6, whichever you made the algorithm; try to perform while programming using that algorithm or flolwchart

📘step - 9) try to solve basic programs which I have listed below: a) print your name b) addition of two numbers c) subtraction of two numbers d) multiplication of two numbers e) division of two numbers f) swapping of tow numbers g) try to find bigger number from the two numbers h) try to find square of the given number i) try to find cube of the given number j) try to find cube root of the given number k) try to find square root of the given number l) try to find area of shapes like rectangle, square, circle m) try to find circumfrance of shapes like rectangle, square, circle n) try to make calculator by using above programs

💡Stage 4:-

📘step - 10) After performing above basic programs, let's move on and learn Basic loops follow the systex for perticular programming language for; decision making for loop while loop do-while loop switch case nested loops

📘step - 11) After learning the systax of the control statements and loops; you have to perform it by doing practice...!

📘step - 12) Be consistent while learning programming....

📘step - 13) Don't loose the confidence if you are facing error... if you face the error; Check your program... Check tabbing and spacing in your given program..... Check line by line you syntax

💡Stage 5:- If you have completed above four stages then proper revisit it... and then start stage 5!

📘step - 14) Learn File handling 📘step - 15) Learn to make arrays 📘step - 16) Learn string operations 📘step - 17) Learn Function making 📘step - 18) Learn structures 📘step - 19) Learn pointers 📘step - 20) Learn unions

These 5 stages will take only a month and you will learn the programming easily.


Now You have to read the tips for the programming: 🎁🎁🎁Tips for the programming..... 🎈don't be scared from errors.... 🎈 daily perform atleast one program 🎈maintain your consistency and try to progress 🎈 Read books for performing programs 🎈 Learn to build logic

If you complete above five stages, Then you have to learn data structures ; 🎗if you want to become pro programmer.... 🎗if you want to solve coding challenges on various coding platforms... 🎗if you want to catch the grip on you programming...


There are only 6 data structures....You can do it! You can't miss it!!! a) Arrays b) Stacks c) Queues d) Linked lists e) Trees f) Graphs

This is it....After learning and regular practicing it....You will become pro level programmer...😎😎😎😎..No need of certification for that!!!

Thank you for reading!🥰🥰🥰